Mini Review: Nevernight by Jay Kristoff (spoiler-free)

[Hey there, this is an informal mini review that I decided to post on here (not that my formal reviews are entire formal but you get what I mean). This review is more like a truckload of feelings I have for this book put together coherently with the best of my ability. So bear with me.]


Yours truly finished this beauty yesternight at 1am and I have been a semi-solid, half-corporeal puddle of biological mess ever since. So … yeah a massive shoutout to Jay Kristoff for shattering my soul and laughed at it in the process. Thanks mate for ripping out my carotids with that BRILLIANT and HEARTBREAKING writing. If anyone ask me “are you okay?” I’m gonna fucking snap. So don’t do it okay unless you want your aorta disconnected from your heart. Aaaaanyways, this book made me suffer so much I don’t even wanna human.

What even is emotion?

I was expecting this to be an amazing book (there’s zero doubt about that), as many of my friends kept raving about it non-stop (you know who you are) – BUT I DID NOT EXPECT TO LOVE IT SO DAMN MUCH THAT IT HURTS! I love LOVE Mia Corvere, she has been through ten circles of hell, as much as she seems fearless and deadly (which she is most days) – she is so bloody real and human! And she held this fact dear to her heart just ahhh. You go get’em gurl. Mia’s character is so complex and multifaceted and I simply couldn’t STOP READING!!!! I had to keep on flipping to the next page to find out what’s gonna happen to her or what will be unveiled about her dark past. The use of flashbacks was excellently executed and THE BLOODY FOOTNOTES WERE AWESOME! I also love the secondary characters and they are also very well developed but I ain’t spilling the beans about them.

Artwork by Phantom Rin

And look lads, this book needs to be read with an open mind, because it’s weird in numerous aspects and loads of shit gets thrown at you that you would not see coming – so be ready to be mind-fucked by this piece of stunning literature. Alas, the plot of the book is beautifully brutal and will literally throw you into a pit of abyss in Hades’ backyard. But don’t worry you’ll be glad for it. Oh and don’t grow too attached to anyone because that means you suffer twice, thrice, whatever. Same diffs.

The prose of the writing was perfect (like wtf how?) and I’m still speechless about the world building because it was freaking amazing – the hierarchy of the Itreyan government, the history of the ancient world, the religions and divinities, the assassin academy Red Church and so on. If killers aren’t your thing, for Maw’s sake, still read this book for the intricate world building (or give it a try at least). I kid you not, I was not expecting the turns in events in that bloody ending (oh bloody it was), so yeah just prepared to be mind-blowned.

Artwork by Phantom Rin

Now gimme Godsgrave. September please hurry the ass up please.

Oh, if anyone knows where I can acquired a plush toy of Mister Kindly, please kindly let me know.

Wing-yee out.

I always appreciate feedback about my blog, so if this type of review ain’t your thing, please let me know and I’ll do my best to improve!

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© Bibliophilic Med Student 2017. All Rights Reserved. Please do not use without permission. All opinions are my own and you can find me on Bookstagram @bibliomeds. You can also follow me on Goodreads

16 thoughts on “Mini Review: Nevernight by Jay Kristoff (spoiler-free)

  1. EEEEP Yaaaaas I am so over the moon that you are flailing over this as much as I did/am/still do/whatever BECAUSE IT IS SUCH PURE FUCKING GENIUS HOW DOES JAY KRISTOFF EVEN DO IT UGHHHH. And omg yes all the mind fucking haha it’s so weird sometimes but SO PERFECT and Mia is just perfection and Mister Kindly and Tric and JUST EVERYTHING.


  2. I haven’t started this series yet but after reading your review I’m super excited (and a little scared because I’m not sure if I want to melt into a puddle of feels, ahaha) to read Nevernight. I’ve actually never read anything by Jay Kristoff, so that itself will be exciting. Anyway, thanks for keeping the spoilers to yourself. Wonderful review, Wing-yee! ^.^

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YAYYYYY!!! I’m so glad! The beginning is a bit hard to get into (I was SO confused) – but don’t worry, once that’s over – it GETS SOO GOOF!!!! And with Godsgrave coming soon – it’s the best time to start Nevernight! Thank you for reading!! xD


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